Friday, 10 January 2014

[ Military ] Open Question : why do marines suck compared to the airforce.?

[ Military ] Open Question : why do marines suck compared to the airforce.?

1.What are Marine Corps bases like compared to Air Force ...

Description:24-07-2011 · Best Answer: Marine Bases have much more
recreational facilities than AFB's do. Sinply because they are far larger.
Air Force bases are small, usually only ...

2.Marine Corps sucks and is full of lies? - Yahoo Answers

Description:05-09-2011 · Best Answer: You suck and are full of lies. By
the way, your information is seriously flawed. I'd suggest you do a bit of
research before you go any ...

3.Careers: Military--Army, Navy, Airforce, Marines, Coast Guard ...

Description:Careers: Military--Army, Navy, Airforce, Marines, Coast Guard
/Questions on joining the military

4.Which is better the marines or the air force? | Answerbag

Description:Which is better the marines or the air force? air force is so
much sexier. Ask; ... The Marines without question. ... Why in hell can't
the Army do it if the Marines can.

5.Why do marines and the navy dislike each other? - Yahoo UK ...

Description:17-04-2008 · Best Answer: As has been posted, they don't
dislike each other. The Marines are steeped in pride and tradition. They
train longer and harder than any other ...

6.Why does the Air Force suck so bad? - Yahoo! Answers UK

Description:Best Answer: Wow, you're quite the military genius... Why
aren't you the Secretary of Defense? ... This really isn't a question,
seems like a person who just wants to ...

7.Why do the marines always say the army sucks - Ask Community

Description:Submit a question to our community and get an answer ... Why
do the marines always say the ... that is also what the army and the air
force say about the marines.

8.Navy vs. Air Force? are the Navy recruiters being honest ...

Description:26-02-2008 · Best Answer: I've been in 11 years and I work in
a joint service (Army, Navy, AF, Marines) so I get to see how the other
services live. I've only spent ...

9.Yahoo Answers - Why is the Marines Bootcamp the easiest of the ...

Description:26-03-2008 · And why is the Air Force, ... The Marines do not
have to accept anybody ... you might as well not exist all other Basics
are a joke compared to Ft. Benning.

10.Why do so many women join the Air Force…

Description:21-09-2009 · Mejor respuesta: Mostly the ones I know and knew
in the Air Force did so because they were treated as equals. The testing
for men and women are the same ...

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